We are a passionate voice for the North – we push for greater recognition for the talents that exist outside London. We are an organisation proud to be based in Manchester, made up of a small, values-led team from across the UK.

For us, Northern Soul is about amplifying and championing the people of the North. We nurture those who are passionate about social change. We work in partnership with people from all over the UK and are fuelled by all sections of society working together to shift power and redress imbalances that have held back the North.

We are a dynamic organisation, a place of encouragement and belief in people doing powerful work in their communities creating new narratives. We respond to change and explore opportunities to help promote the people of the North and the work happening here. We’re championing a movement for positive social change by delivering exciting new programmes and partnerships with purpose.

We will look to partner with people and organisations from all parts of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland that align with Northern Soul’s determination to champion Northern skills, ambition and unwavering commitment to bring about positive change.

There is so much we can learn from each other.

At a time of complexity in this multi-layered modern world, we seek to galvanise, nurture, explore, amplify and celebrate the unsung heroes driving meaningful work across the region.


Our vision is for a confident and connected North that shapes its own story.


Our mission is committed to amplifying a more powerful Northern voice and presence in the UK. While talent is spread equally across our country, opportunity is not. We will push for greater recognition for the talents that exist outside London. Through our work, associated programmes and partnerships, we will galvanise, nurture, explore, amplify and celebrate those people who are leading and shaping social change within their communities. We focus on making the UK a fairer and more inclusive place for all to thrive.


Galvanise | Nurture | Explore | Amplify | Celebrate



Ruth is the founder of the multi award-winning youth leadership charity RECLAIM and The Roots Programme, a radical new approach to bridging divides between UK communities. Now added to the list is Northern Soul. Founded by Ruth, the organisation is proud to be based in Manchester, made up of a small values-led team from across the country, with a mission to amplify a more powerful Northern voice and presence in the UK.

Ruth is a passionate voice for young people and a ‘professional northerner’ – always pushing for greater recognition for the talents and leadership that exist outside London, Ruth works hard to connect influencers in the capital with new opportunities to learn from those from different parts of the country. Ruth is a highly successful social entrepreneur who is passionate about all sections of business and society working together to enable ambitious social change.

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The longer I spend on this earth, the more I realise that despite our differences, we are so similar if we take the time to listen and learn from each other. I also realise that not everyone has the same opportunities and so I really want to do something about that! Here at Northern Soul, Ruth is working hard toward creating opportunities for young people to be the best that they can be. She also helps people to connect from across all parts of our society, and I am fully committed to supporting all of that work!
I joined Ruth in March 2022 from NatureScot after a 6-month placement in the Funding Team with the 2027 Programme. Before that, I worked for a major UK insurer for over 20 years where I held a number of roles including Training & Development Consultant, Internal Communications Adviser, and EA. I never stop listening and never stop learning.
When I’m not working I am a wife to Craig and mother to two teenage sons, and we love nothing more than heading away to a festival in our campervan. I have a real love for music, singing with a couple of bands. It’s funny that I should work for an organisation called Northern Soul because that is my ALL TIME FAVOURITE music!
I’m on hand at Northern Soul to answer any questions you may have or to help get you connected with Ruth Ibegbuna.
You can contact me at or on my work mobile 07549 968748.


I am thrilled to be part of Northern Soul as finance lead and I am eager to contribute my expertise to the team’s success and support the company’s financial goals. My commitment to accuracy and my passion for problem-solving will enable me to make meaningful contributions to the financial operations at Northern Soul.

I believe that by working together constantly we can create a United Kingdom where every individual, regardless of their background. has has an equal opportunity to thrive and contribute to our society. I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas on this matter and explore how we can collaborate to make these goals a reality.

If there are any opportunities for collaboration, or if you would like to discuss how I can contribute to your initiatives, please feel free to reach out.

You can contact me at

India Morgan, Northern Soul

INDIA MORGAN (known as Indie)

Proud northerner motivated by social action and committed to making a difference, working with others and using my strengths to bring about positive, meaningful change.

I love connecting and working with people from culturally diverse contexts because we all have something to share and something to learn from each other. I studied languages at the University of Edinburgh and worked in France, Spain and Argentina before returning to my Manchester roots. I am a qualified teacher and experienced youth practitioner with a wide-range of experience working in programme delivery, engagement and youth development roles across the education, creative and not-for-profit sector.

I am excited to join Northern Soul as Programme Delivery Lead and contribute to growing the powerful work kickstarted by Ruth and the team.

You can contact me at

SallyAnn Browning, Northern Soul


Joining the Northern Soul family in November 2022, I have come on board to handle the oversight and development of strategies to support organisational growth and stability of Northern Soul, the programmes it delivers and the organisations and charities which it supports.

Learning, growing and building on the brilliant work Ruth and the team has done and continues to do fills my heart with joy. Most important to me is being part of a team whose purpose is to support and champion people doing powerful work within their communities.

Besides work, I was born with Spina Bifida, brought up in Luton and made in Manchester. Some of my loves are DB (my better half), football (Arsenal), Tatty Devine necklaces (no outfit is complete without one), walks in the Peak District, and dancing in my kitchen. I am currently trying to master the art of paper cutting.

If you want to connect and talk about the awesome work Northern Soul are supporting and leading on, or equally you want to tell us about the brilliant work you or your organisation are doing then please do get in touch. It would be ace to hear from you.

You can contact me at or on my work mobile 07542 031197.


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Favourite Feedback

Lovely words from people I respect

“Ruth is skilled at finding ways to create change for the young people she works with. She never stops at saying ‘at least we tried’, ‘you did your best’. She always pushes harder to ensure that the project or the event she is working on is the best it can be. She pushes harder to make sure that the young people she works with don’t just have a nice time, but challenge their own beliefs, grow beyond the boundaries set up for them, think bigger and achieve more. It’s a privilege to work with someone who creates magic around her.”

Monika NeallThe Pebble

“Ruth Ibegbuna is a force of nature. One of those rare souls who has dedicated her life to improving the lives of others. She has an infectious presence, boundless energy and the ability to create effective and meaningful change initiatives – from the ground up. If you want an embodiment of that thing we call “social entrepreneurship” Ruth is it.”

Chris TaylorOasis

“Ruth Ibegbuna has that rare set of abilities amongst those who want to help us change our world: an understanding of what will work, gleaned from years of experience; a sense of how we can actually change things, for the better; and the ability to reach into our hearts with a damn good story. Ruth is clearly one of those people who can move others and get them to think and act differently.”

Karl Wilding, Director of Public Policy & VolunteeringNational Council for Voluntary Organisations

“I have known Ruth for a number of years, firstly observing her passion and courage to establish a ground breaking charity from nothing; then, supporting her to build the charity (as a trustee) for a number of years to become globally recognised. Within this, I have watched her engage with every section and every layer of society, and I have observed how she has been able to inspired and motivate ordinary people to do extraordinary things. And the motivation for those people comes from within Ruth herself. She has won too many awards to mention, but, what is even more impressive, is that each one appears to be a complete surprise to her. She has an incisive intellect, excellent communication skills (including broadcast and social media) and is a woman, who is especially relevant for our times. She bridges both the gender and race divide with ease; in fact, in an almost unique way. She is an outstanding leader, an amazing coach and mentor and a passionate advocate for social justice and an integrated society - and could provide vital insight, advice, guidance and support for any organisation to engage her. (And apart from being from Yorkshire - and always going on about it - she is a thoroughly good egg!)”

Steve McGuirk CBE, DL, QFSM, MA, BA(Hons) BSc, FIFireE

“Amnesty staff working on activism from across Europe and Central Asia gathered for an internal workshop on "Rights, Resistance and Building Our Power!"- to reflect on our current activism models and consider ways to build a more inclusive and diverse movement. We invited Ruth to speak on building leadership of working class young people. She shared powerful stories of the young people she has worked with - how they have taken ownership of issues that matter to them, and brought about real change. Ruth gave an invaluable insight into how these young people view our movement, and what we need to do to connect with them in a genuine way. Crucially, she challenged us to look beyond our comfort zones when it comes to power, diversity and inclusion. Participants rated Ruth's presentation as a highlight of the two-day workshop. Several said that Ruth provided direct inspiration to amend their models of engagement, especially as the approach can apply to reach other groups we want and need to connect with. Her contribution to our workshop was as inspiring as it was invaluable.”


“Ruth is an outstanding example of speaking truth to power.”

“As part of a panel of expert speakers, Ruth contributed significantly to making our flagship annual conference for the UK’s trusts and foundations one of our best yet. Addressing the conference theme of ‘Borders, Barriers and Boundaries’, Ruth drew from her breadth of experience and spoke eloquently and with a clarity and passion that made a significant impression on delegates. The feedback from attendees included: “Ruth Ibegbuna - outstanding example of speaking truth to power” and “Some superb insights, particularly from Ruth.” We were delighted to have her speak and would highly recommend her to others.”

Carol MackChief Executive, ACF

“Ruth Ibegbuna has been a guest speaker at several events for diverse groups with whom Result CIC works including disabled and BAME people. Ruth's ability to engage is exceptional. She has a dynamic and down-to-earth approach with which everyone can identify. Ruth is open about the variety of challenges she has handled and deals with difficult topics both frankly and sensitively.

Ruth's genuine interest in others shines through her work and she draws on a depth and breadth of experience which is as rare as it is valuable. Feedback on Ruth is always warmly positive. If you need someone who can inspire people and get to the heart of any issue, we highly recommend her.”

Jane and HormozDirectors, Result CIC

“Ruth was ace - very inspirational

Ruth Ibegbuna - good presentation - refreshing and real. Good video, good basis 4 national debate 4 young people

Ruth Ibegbuna was absolutely inspirational and brilliant

Ruth is amazing

Ruth Ibegbuna was an excellent choice of speaker to round off the day

Thought Ruth Ibegbuna amazing

Ruth's speech stood out for it's authenticity, vision and inspiration

I was particularly touched by Ruth Ibegbuna's plenary. She was the definition of 'inspirational'.

Ruth was especially interesting and importantly provided some useful ideas

The highlight was, without a shadow of a doubt, Ruth Ibegbuna who was a true inspiration, and who I could have listened to for much longer - hearing what one visionary person can make happen blew me away!”

Delegates at the NCVO National Conference 2019

“We have booked Ruth to speak at several events now. She is always mentioned in feedback as one of the highlights, because of how engaging, honest, informative and totally inspirational she is. Having heard Ruth talk multiple times at the same type of event, it's also clear how much she considers her audience and adapts her content and messages for them.”

Vicki Purewal & Sian PrimeSocial Innovation Consultants

“Ruth was a keynote speaker at our annual Visionary conference in November 2019. She spoke to over 200 delegates from the sight loss sector and they were absolutely blown away by her energy, enthusiasm and creativity. Everyone I spoke to about Ruth felt inspired to go and make the world a better place. She was challenging in a very warm and friendly way - but packed some fantastically brave punches! I would totally recommend her to anyone who wants to feel uplifted, challenged and motivated - and have fun - all at the same time.”

Fiona Sandford. Chief ExecutiveVisionary: linking local sight loss charities

“Ruth delivered a great Masterclass for our cohort of aspiring Charity leaders. The session was engaging, and inspiring, and felt truly authentic. Ruth shared not just her experiences but also practical advice and encouragement on overcoming challenges. The cohort left the session feeling highly motivated with some steps and advice they could put into action”

Tanisha AppletonProgramme Manager, Black Charity Leaders

Working Together

Ruth was invited to speak at Corra Foundation’s Annual Children, Young People and Families Early Intervention Fund and Adult Learning and Empowering Communities Fund Conference in March 2022. Ruth was identified by a number of colleagues, who had heard her speak at various other events, as an inspiring speaker and passionate individual committed to positive social change for young people – a nature and experience perfectly fitting with the theme of the conference, “Thriving in the Future: Reimagining Inclusion and Participation”.
In our initial discussions, Ruth resonated with, and demonstrated a true understanding of, the focus of the conference, the aims of the fund and of the work of the organisations we fund. The many ways in which Ruth captured the audience in delivering her address was impressive – she created the sense of a journey, with real examples of the challenges and successes, with real stories, and interwoven with key messages which were clear, direct and inspiring calls to action. Ruth is able to speak in such a human and warm way that it immediately engages audiences, and her great knowledge, insights and expertise only enhance the story of the journey she has been on as a social innovator and changemaker. Our only regret is not asking Ruth to speak for much, much longer.

The feedback was overwhelmingly positive – our team and delegates have unequivocally and consistently commented on their enjoyment of, connection with, and inspiration gained from Ruth’s speech – we continue to receive positive comments on this part of the conference specifically, have had multiple requests to be put in touch with Ruth, and based on the volume and proportion of positive comments relating to this part of the conference, this was clearly the highlight of the day for many.

Garry Donegan
Grants Advisor, Corra Foundation

‘Bradford’s Future Imagined’ was the closing event of the University of Bradford’s annual engagement Festival. The speakers were asked to imagine a future for the city that was without barriers and one that could create positive change.
We asked Ruth to speak as she is a creative thinker and change maker and we thought she would take the challenge to imagine a future. Her passion for an education revolution and enabling and giving power to young people was a big drive to approach Ruth to speak. There are lots of speakers who say they want young voices to be heard and part of decision-making processes but not many can demonstrate and communicate how they are actually doing it.
Ruth was passionate, eloquent, innovative and engaging as a speaker. She says what she means and has lived experience to back up what she is saying. She has real integrity and is able to convey that as a speaker.

The audience appreciated Ruth’s passion, ideas and the fact she was able to speak the truth so well.

Georgina Schofield
University of Bradford

Thank you so much again for yesterday. It was a great talk, pitched at exactly the right tone for what we needed right now. Loads of great feedback from people I spoke to after as well. Look forward to working with you more in Bradford in the future.

Ezra Nash
Bradford 2025

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